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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3588 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Guns Don't Kill People

"If he's living under the roof we can't really do much. Sorry."

"But he's cooking heroin on my silverware. He's been stealing my crap and fencing it on the Ave for drug money. Look, I found a dozen of my CDs at a pawn shop with his name on the form."

"Again, technically, there isn't much we can do. tell you what, though. What's his name?"

"Stoner McStonerson. Why?"

"Hang on... (...) Okay, yeah, there's actually an outstanding bench warrant. I can run him in - "

"Great! Let's go!"

"Hang on. It's Wednesday. If I run him in now he'll be out by Thursday morning. Call me back Friday around four in the afternoon. He'll be in until Tuesday morning at least and I've never met a junkie that enjoys a weekend in jail. That should convince him to move. Here's my card - ask dispatch to call this car number and I'll take care of it."

- A Seattle PD cop who once trampled someone else's constitutional rights for my benefit


In a perfect world, Officer Hunter would have said "You now, ma'am, wink wink, nudge nudge, you're responsible for informing your husband that his weapons will be destroyed if he doesn't pick them up within three days." Unfortunately, Officer Hunter doesn't sound like a particularly useful human being.

It occurred to me that my cop probably would have said "You know, ma'am, we don't really have any provision for confiscating firearms without an iron-clad warranted reason to do so. However, since you're still married, and the guns are community property, you would be perfectly within your rights to, for example, pawn them. Or sell them on Craigslist. Just as a hypothetical." But then I remembered that you can't buy or sell guns at pawn shops in Canada.

How does that work, by the way?

lil  ·  3588 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I don't know, maybe you can buy guns at a pawn shop or on-line at Gun Mall Canada -- but first you need a P.A.L.

Yes, in Canada, the licence to own a gun is called a PAL. Possession and Acquisition Licence. You take a course + test ($150), or just take a test ($40). When you have your PAL, you go shopping.

I had an experience like the one in your top line: "If he's living under your roof, we can't really do much." Apparently though, if he throws so much as a pillow at you, that's assault and they can haul him off. Or so they said. Long ago, in a province far away.

Thanks for your comments kb.