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    I think Terrance McKenna said the essence of what you find is "love" or "the ultimate aesthetic/beauty". In the Benny Shannon book he claims it is eternal creativity. Similar things... both "art-related".

I know we're trained as Engineers and Scientists to avoid absolutes, but Love is absolutely essential to the continued existence of humanity and it's a truth that billions refuse to take seriously.

    I think the key from the experiences I've read is that you are in post-matter, information-based reality. Or in the words of Ab-Soul in the song "Pineal Gland" (a song about DMT): "I'm in a place where matter don't matter, just spirit molecules and geometric patterns."

Yeah, it's something you begin to experience on low doses of mushrooms and LSD. When reality starts to break down from definite forms to abstract stuff, thoughts included. In this space, thinking/thoughts aren't an action but like a reception in the same way you feel heat you "think" thoughts. I have not worked out how to explain the idea, but I'm pretty sure someone already has.