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kleinbl00  ·  3815 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Executioner's Lament

What I said I would make you do - deal with me whenever you respond to me - is entirely within my purvey. If I felt like it, I could make you deal with me whenever you post, presuming you aren't commenting in a thread where I've been muted. But I'm not going to do that, because this is about you and me, not you and everyone else.

I'm curious where you think you "acknowledged" that you "got me wrong." Because all I've seen is one condescending insult after another. Regardless, a general rule of thumb is to assume you haven't apologized if the injured party is acting like you haven't. All I know is that you deliberately acted like you didn't understand satire to stir up drama, when in fact our first interaction was you calling me out for not recognizing satire. Every interaction since then has been you flexing your muscle, padewan. The fact that you're pinned and the refs have counted you out only makes it tragic.

You move past this by saying "I'm sorry I accused you of sexism out of the blue without bothering to confront you first" or words to that effect. The only catch is you have to mean it. Let me know when you're ready for that; I suspect you'll find it cathartic.