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humanodon  ·  3925 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, What Are Some Of Your Personal (Dating) Relationship Guidelines/Rules?

    So I guess my stance on phone calls is I don't make them - unless I need something immediately, like directions or someone isn't answering their texts. I'll take them, sure, if it's convenient, and I'll talk for as long as the conversation goes on, but I could take 'em or leave 'em on the whole.

I think that a lot of people feel like this and personally, I'm not a fan. Phone calls are more human than texting because the participants get to hear each other's voices and the nuances of their speech. Plus, when it's over, it's gone (unless you've recorded it). The way things are now, a phone call means that someone needs something and if people are only calling each other when they need something, why answer the phone at all? I've heard some make the argument that phone calls are slow, but to me it makes sense to take some time to communicate.

The other thing I don't like about texting is that it lends itself to attribution errors and it's there to be read and re-read until it's become something much more than it might have ever been intended to be. I guess it's what we've got for the foreseeable future, but I don't think I'll ever be satisfied with it.

    I've always thought that the person who cared less had more power. Not caring about texts/contact was in my mind an outcrop of that.

Again, I feel like a lot of people subscribe to this and I don't like it. Not caring about things doesn't lend anyone power, but it does help people be jerks to each other. Power is dynamic, not static. Withholding things to gain control greatly limits interactions and possible outcomes. As part of a social toolkit, I think it's fine, but if it's the only thing in the box, then I think that's a problem. I'm not at all saying that I think that's the case for you, but it does seem like I've met a whole lot of people with that one hammer who wonder why things fall apart so often.

    Though recently it's come to my attention that some guys I are perhaps a bit thrown that I don't initiate texting them.

In my experience in other cultures, a universal thing seems to be that males are expected to initiate interaction, but females are expected to be the ones that communicate. Everyone walks around with biases and expectations, even if they're unaware of what they entail. I suppose those guys you're talking about had certain expectations that you didn't fulfill. Personally, I'd think that that would be a good entry point for a conversation about expectations. People's expectations can tell us a whole lot about them, after all.