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mk · 3922 days ago · link · · parent · post: You are having a dinner party. You can invite any 5 people that have ever lived. Who is on the guest list?
Very little about that great grandfather, and nothing about the other two. It would make for a great short story. I'd write it so that the great great great was the least conservative of us all. My 2-yo daughter and her 3-yo second cousin have a cute affinity for each other, and my wife an I were just talking on that topic last night. I recall reading a study that showed that it isn't as genetically risky as commonly thought. I believe it takes multiple loops before the risks become I'd love to see you fictionalize that conversation. Do you know anything about your great, great great, or great great great grandfathers?
One of them was my paternal grandmother, another was my maternal grandfather.