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thenewgreen · 3937 days ago · link · · parent · post: You are having a dinner party. You can invite any 5 people that have ever lived. Who is on the guest list?
It's a great answer, while I'm heading back to Michigan soon, I will make the effort to go out to lunch with my father and his father. I probably would not have considered setting this up had it not been for your comment. Thank you for that. Unfortunately, it's amazing how much I take for granted -It's shameful. Edit: my family is here for Easter staying with us. This morning my dad used his truck to drive me to the dump to throw away some old boxes etc. My favorite part of the holiday weekend thus far was just talking with my dad in the truck, driving to the dump. Last night we got my dad to play "Cards against Humanity" with us. Hearing him say words like "queef" were pretty damned amusing. -he won the game.