I come from a family where humor is heralded above all other attributes. But its not just about getting laughs, it's about getting "smart" laughs. I was having dinner with jonaswildman and his wife the other night at my parents house. My grandfather has a very dry, but sharp as a tack, german wit. When asked by my grandfather if she'd like another slice of pizza, jonas' wife responded, "no, I'm good." My grandfather responded with, "I have no doubt that you are good. I have never felt I was bad simply because I was still hungry. If you want another slice your virtue is not at stake." It wasn't Chris Rock funny, but it was definitely humorous. -This from an 80 year old man. My fathers pretty funny too, and my brother and sister. We all try and make each other laugh whenever we are together. I was talking with jonaswildman about talking funny -the talk with Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Louis CK and Ricky Gervais. They all mention that they had friends growing up that were funnier than them. But, they work really, really hard at crafting what they do. Is funny innate? A bit of it is, but a lot of it is just hard work. So I do think you can become funny. Also, I think being someone that is quick to laugh and appreciates good humor is as important as someone that can create it. A good laugh is such a great thing.