I wouldn't call it the worst.
Its a solid C+. Good job guys, you turned in your paper and it was 5 pages, work cited and everything. It was a movie.
At least there wasn't an uncomfortable rape joke. Fuck.
To me, it was the worst, because all this movie was was 2 hours of cgi and explosions interrupted by 30 min of inane 'story' that did nothing but contradict and ruin everything about Superman. As a stand alone movie I would maybe give it a C-, but it's not a stand alone. It's fucking Superman. There are mythologies at stake here. A writer and director are free to take some liberties, sure, but this isn't a stand alone. There at least needs to be some reverence for the long standing Superman mythology. Otherwise, Superman can be anything; anyone can make a movie and call the main character Superman, apparantly. It doesn't make it real.
To me, there are bad movies that you kind of just shrug your shoulders and say, "that sucked." Then there are movies where you are angry you spent $10 to see. This hit the next, quite rare, level where I was actually so pissed off that I can never have that 2 and a half hours of my life back.
In the last two weeks I've been to the theater 4 times; saw this piece of shit, After Earth, The Internship, and The Purge. It's a sad state of affairs that the Purge was by far the best of these movies.
I totally agree b_b! That movie was made for pre-adolescent boys.
We saw it last night. Last night, I thought it was ok. But today when someone asked me what I thought of it, I realized how truly disappointed I was. It should have been titled 'Destroyer of Steel' and starred someone not called Superman. I think that he and the Kryptonites together destroyed more steel structures in that film than were destroyed in all the Transformers movies combined. I have so much to say that I can't even figure out how to get started.
All I'm going to add is that 'Now You See Me' is a better expenditure of your hard-earned cash. It was Flashy! Suspenseful! With a dash of humor, and a twist of drama. The characters had depth, and the plot was consistent. Not particularly cerebral, but definitely targeting a discerning audience.
So, no go in the Internship too? Some if the previews seemed somewhat funny.
As for Superman, I've not seen it but based on both of your takes, I'm in no hurry. I grew up with the Christipher Reeves movies, which as a child I loved. I'd be interested in remakes of those but with more gritt and better filmmaking.
Who would play "Zod"?