Funny, I was just checking this out myself. Looking at those images of the dense apartment high-rises, one atop another, made me think of insects. I remember being a kid and wondering how an ant could find it's way back through my lawn to its hill in the crack of our driveway? It seemed to know exactly where to go even though every blade of grass it criss-crossed looked the same to me.
From a high level macro-view, we humans wouldn't look too different, would we? I wonder how they know which apartment is theirs?
The images in this are definitely phenomenal. And this is a great read as well. NPR produces some of the best content on the internet.
I agree, I've been a supporter for years. I even volunteer to answer phones.
Cities can't support my needs, but I agree that they are important for global conservation. However, we really need the masses to support the lands that support clean water, air, etc. for the rest of humanity as well. I'm a wilderness supporter and manager, who finds beauty but little fulfillment in the city. I wish for you all to experience the wild and then retreat to your urban refuge, if that's where you're comfortable. Support your public lands by telling your reps that they matter to your way of life, even if that importance is derived solely from knowing there are wild places. They are important even if you don't live in or near them. Support wilderness:
IMO we should also start pushing the entire global community to start pushing for uniform environmental regulations for international production and trade. In many ways, the Western countries have exported their pollution to China, rather than actually reducing it. And, it's coming back to bite us.