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hubskier for: 4366 days
Look people, you can't keep it out or high school kids' hands if they want it (I first saw weed in 8th grade, but didn't partake). Adults, whatever, you've been drinking yourselves to a slow death legally for years, and tobacco...what about the shit in diet coke. You need to ask what is being regulated. Peoples' behavior is the problem, but please don't blame pot for that. I agree with legalizing the green and making it expensive, just like the other things that people like and may not be good for them. disclaimer: if you grow it yourself, it should be legal too. I don't see anyone growing tobacco though.
The photo drew me in, but the story keep me reading. I wish that I could tell the end of my dogs' lives in such a way.
No, I'm saying if they don't want to eat, fuck'em, I know someone else who would eat their portion.
Decriminalize consensual crimes and let the other fools starve if they don't like the food the law-abiding citizens provide. I'm really not sure why we (taxpayers) have any obligation to feed criminals, even if they do miss 9 consecutive meals. If I didn't work all week to buy food, or prepare food for my family that I bought with the money I earned, or cleaned up after myself, or paid for the heat/cooling that I lived in, could I stage a hunger strike? Sorry, no sympathy from me.
It was through hunting and fishing that I first took the time to sit and observe nature. For me it was fascinating, but also really therapeutic to have nothing to do but look for animals or wet the line - just slow down and be patient (patience is not something I'm known for). We need more sportsmen to support conservation measures on public lands today. Too many hunters never leave their ATVs and access to public lands is now being defined by laziness. The incessant need for "access" is degrading public lands hunting opportunities. The expansion of roads fragments habitat and disturbs animal migration, which is having profound impacts on wildlife and the primitive recreation experience. Support Backcountry Hunters and Anglers to preserve the sprit of true outdoors sportsmanship. More info:
Of course, those in CA also need that escape. You have also been blessed with some amazing public lands, even if you have to share with the other 50M residents. You should check out the Lost Coast, which is perhaps some of the wildest country left in CA. You should walk the 26 mile wilderness coastline, but could also just set up camp in one of several campgrounds. Bring your bike too, for miles of ocean view riding. More info:
Nice, I love that area myself. You should check out Isle Royale. No bears.
I couldn't agree with you more. Glacier is one of my favorite places on earth. Check out some of this guy's photos. I met him last summer and started looking into his work. He specializes in sportsmen photos (i.e. hunting), but has some amazing landscapes as well. I can't figure out how to post a photo here. Duh, I know, but it's just not happening for me. Please advise.
Somehow I posted this reply on the wrong article. Sorry.
Gary Snyder wrote this.
For All Ah to be alive
on a mid-September morn
fording a stream
barefoot, pants rolled up,
holding boots, pack on,
sunshine, ice in the shallows,
northern rockies. Rustle and shimmer of icy creek waters
stones turn underfoot, small and hard as toes
cold nose dripping
singing inside
creek music, heart music,
smell of sun on gravel. I pledge allegiance I pledge allegiance to the soil
of Turtle Island,
and to the beings who thereon dwell
one ecosystem
in diversity
under the sun
With joyful interpenetration for all.
Cities can't support my needs, but I agree that they are important for global conservation. However, we really need the masses to support the lands that support clean water, air, etc. for the rest of humanity as well. I'm a wilderness supporter and manager, who finds beauty but little fulfillment in the city. I wish for you all to experience the wild and then retreat to your urban refuge, if that's where you're comfortable. Support your public lands by telling your reps that they matter to your way of life, even if that importance is derived solely from knowing there are wild places. They are important even if you don't live in or near them. Support wilderness:
Really? What's your point?
Just give it up bro. You'll like that way better.
Yes, $4 billion is generated in public trust for less than $1billion. Check out this website as well: This is where I spend my efforts and your tax dollars. I hope you will find appreciation for these lands personally, but if not, for the sake of the greater good.
I agree that pets are part of the family and should be treated with respect, but are they like kids, NO! It can be good training I guess, as far as being responsible for another living being, but trust me, not comparable at any level other than that. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs, but please don't compare dogs to young humans - way different! You're right, dog park people are a little weird (including you, I guess). My opinion is as a dog owner , and a father, that you really shouldn't have a dog if you need to take them to a park to take a shit - goes without saying for a kid.