Things continue to go suspiciously well with this girl, including navigating our first mini-crisis which occurred uhhhh 6 hours prior to her heading to Alaska for a week and us getting about 2.5 hours of sleep that night prior to her early morning flight.
Other than that. Having my first experience being at a 100-mile race this upcoming weekend helping to crew a friend. Here's an article about said friend. I am "the guitarist" in the article. It's going to get weird. I'm excited to be a very small part of it.
I think I'm going to do a very rugged 100km run in September and see what happens. Why not?
Well I can't really talk about it right now but maybe in a couple of weeks.
Congrats on the mini crisis aversion.
I helped at an Iron-man(ish) event last year, my cousin was running in it. I handed out water as needed, occasionally tried to punch my cousin in the nads as he lapped past. Hope your guitar efforts are well recieved!