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comment by ButterflyEffect
ButterflyEffect  ·  432 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: February 15, 2023

Still experiencing very, very high highs, and very, very low lows. I'm really looking to my therapy appointment tomorrow. I had thoughts of self harm a couple of weeks ago. Again this morning. Not suicidal but...not happy about experiencing this again for the first time since 2014. I've had enough experiences dating in the last 7.5 months that it's not so much impacting my self-worth/confidence/etc., but it feels like I keep totally misreading the other person, their intent, our dates, and it's got me to the point where I have little-to-no confidence in my own intuition and understanding of the person across the table. I guess I do feel pretty unwanted. At the same time, I'm pretty happy by/with myself and don't necessarily feel lonely. Just really do desire sharing this life more intimately with someone.

Anyway. Here's some photos from Canada last week. That trip was amazing. My body is still sore. oyster if you're still around, sure was a fantastic view of the chateau from Louise Falls!