been searching for this video for years and thanks to my pathetic memory haven't had any success despite searching for electronic music scarecrow animation music videos it's you it has to be be you it always you... I remember watching it and enjoying the video and then promptly forgetting it Now I've finally found it I'm wondering if it was just someone putting a random animation video they had lying around to the track. Sadly I can't find better quality but I'll keep looking The Crystal Method - I Know It's You seriously delirious ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lol apparently i submitted this exact video to r/electronicmusic in April 2010. my hope of finding a non-potato version is pretty low now.
you prompted me to check wikipedia - the music section. Her choice of collaborations and musical output makes me think of Jackson Pollock applying paint.
I get the impression it's fun being Milla Jovovich. No comments on talent, no comments on roles... but like - you know how Leo DiCaprio or Dustin Hoffman are all passionate and intense and scowling all the time while Kurt Russell is vaguely bummed he only made it to the minor leagues but he consoles himself by being Snake Plisskin and marrying Goldie Hawn? You watch that dude and he comes across as tickled pink even when he's supposedly a suicidal special forces ops mourning his recently-dead wife on the other side of the universe being oppressed by Egyptian aliens. I'll bet Milla Jovovich enjoys herself immensely.