I like Christians trying this kind of stuff. While not religious myself, it seems that if you are a true believer you should try and leverage that belief into some meaningful change.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10836918 Is there veracity in this science?
If I had to venture a guess, I'd say that telling a sick person you'll pray for them and then not praying for them is probably better than praying for someone without their knowledge. There is a lot of evidence to suggest hope is a very effective medicine, and despair is poisonous.
You can ask almost any question in a scientific manner. However, I can't read the article.
Statistical issues aside, I think 'non-contact therapeutic touch' could bring a placebo effect. I'd like to know how those measured up to the distant prayer.
Pretty awful it had a negative effect on one group.
When something terrible happens: "We don't know God's plan, but he watches us." During an election: "God wants our candidate to win." This is what I don't get. How can we have it both ways? And this isn't a rhetorical question; I would really like a believer to respond. How is it that we can know God's will sometimes, but not all the time? Isn't it more reasonable to just vote your conscience and leave God out of the equation, since His plan is unknown to us?
No, I'm asserting that its often the case that when individuals want something specific for themselves (e.g. some political fight) they claim to know God's will, but they admit they don't when the world becomes confusing. If God exists and has a will, none of us is privy to it. I submit that it is therefore a ridiculous position to appeal to God on specific issues, and all that remains to aid in decision making is the conscience that each of us possesses. Some religious institutions have gone to great lengths to close some perceived loopholes in their dogma (for example, the "Just War Criteria"). I was wondering if any theology exists to help explain why it is ok to assert that God wants X sometimes, and that we don't know what God wants at others.
Every sentient being has a "god" (subjective reality) that it worships and obeys. No exceptions. But The-God (True Reality) Says "Say: There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is HIS Messenger".
One can pray to one's god/idol but there are no guarantees.
A true prayer to The-One, The-Pre-Existing The-Self-Sustaining The-All-Subsisting The-Unique The-Most-High The-Ever-Present The-Ever-Near ..., will get an Answer. (See also Sura 19 in "The Book That Makes Things Perfectly Clear [in Arabic]".)
The True (or Objective) Reality Is Responsive, and Answers prayers of individuals and communities that are in harmony with The Real. ("Naturally").
Of course, "God" is also The-Incomparably Generous and The-Ever-Relenting, so many times others not so in harmony will get responses. But only "The-God-Fearing" i.e. Zacharia (SA) can expect to "never [be] disappointed in prayers to [HIM]".
I do not follow the comings and goings of the Christian fundamentalist set in this country. What is clear is that we have input from Reliable Sources that all but one sect of Christians will find themselves in "The Fire". "The Spirit of God/The-True-Reality" [Q] aka "Jesus Son of Mary" [Mark/Q] has been quite clear regarding the "Will of God": Love one another. The judgment is not mine to make, so let them avail themselves of a mirror and consider their condition ... and remember that HE IS The-Oft-Returning.
As to the essential and most important -- the most important -- preoccupation of the (intelligent and rational) Sentient Subjective Self in the journey back -- "up" or "down"; it is entirely your choice ... -- to The-Source, that is being in Harmony with True Reality -- "HIS Will" -- we are certainly Given Guidance. The Brotherhood of Messengers did not arise for idle play and amusement of the hairy biped. It is an entirely serious matter, of lasting consequences.
Now as to those who wish to enjoy this transitory passage through the thermodynamic realm ("burning bridge"), "let them enjoy themselves but they shall have no share in the here-after".
But as to those who are determined to set aside their arrogance and pride and humble themselves before The-Life-Everlasting The-Truth-Everliving, for them is Love Un-Failing from their LORD, The Eternal-Absolute, The True Reality, The-One, The Lord of Infinite Grace.
As a believer... I'm a little embarrassed by this site.
no... maybe very embarrassed. alas... if it makes people feel better to jump on board with this, then hey - go for it. but to actually think it has an effect on an election? please.
Both teams are praying for their team to win the football game too. Pray away if it makes you feel better, but don't expect anything...
sounds weird for a man of faith to say that.
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