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comment by am_Unition
am_Unition  ·  1865 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Republicans defeat Democratic bid to hear witnesses in Trump trial

When 75% of America thinks you should call witnesses, and then you don't call witnesses, that lets me know that my concept of your path to staying in power (re-election) may be flawed, or that re-election is not your primary concern. Obviously, one of my current side projects is trying to find out why.

mk  ·  1865 days ago  ·  link  ·  

They think we’ll forget by November. They are mostly right. Although they’ve definitely played the Trump gambit. The GOP is going to own everything he does or that comes to light between now and then.

kleinbl00  ·  1865 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I am more optimistic than you. Ironically, it's an optimism borne of cynicism.

Remember: Trump didn't win the popular vote. He won the electoral vote in the least-representative election since Rutherford Hayes won in 1876, against one of the least-popular Democrats in history. He carried his base, and his base were energized.

All the Republicans are fighting for at this point is that base. That base is calling the shots. But they were promised a wall, they were promised that they'd get sick of winning and they were promised that the swamp would be drained. What they've gotten is some corner-case owning of the libs.

    When I confront my retired 'boomer parents about any of this, they get so uncomfortable that they clam up, and beg to change the subject after about three or four minutes. It takes every bit of self-restraint in my being to keep myself from launching into a tirade about how their unwillingness to even think about uncomfortable subjects is some of the most pathetic, cowardly, and disgraceful behavior that I've ever seen. Willful ignorance. A staple of normie 'boomers. Trump wouldn't be president without it.

The question, then, is what percentage of Trump voters are currently experiencing that discomfort... and what percentage of them are going to brave the polls to put their stamp of approval on it?

Frontline did four hours on "how we got here." In typical reserved documentary fashion they lay out the case that populistRepublican behavior begat populist Republican behavior such that no one can afford to vote what principles they have left. The Republican party is on a path of self destruction. Everyone knows it. But their livelihoods are tied to feeding it.

When the polls say 75% of the country wants witnesses and you vote for no witnesses, you're acknowledging that you're suppressing your own voter turnout. When your boss was elected on "drain the swamp" and you're actively plugging the dam for him, you're suppressing your own voter turnout. When you insist that you have to bring a license and stand in line and punch a paper sheet in order to say "yes keep doing this in my name" you're suppressing your own voter turnout. And really - what do you believe in? What can you endorse that people actually want?