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comment by swedishbadgergirl
swedishbadgergirl  ·  1727 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Howdy, Hubski! What culinary crimes is your home infamous for?

Surströmming! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surstr%C3%B6mming)

But for a thing that isn't seen as horrifying by me as well, Kebabpizza(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pizza_varieties_by_country#Sweden).

kleinbl00  ·  1727 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I was going to take you to task for not mentioning lutefisk, the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten, only to discover that holy shit you fuckers have been holding back

kingmudsy  ·  1727 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Holy fuck that wiki page on surströmming is a goldmine.

    In 1981, a German landlord evicted a tenant without notice after the tenant spread surströmming brine in the apartment building's stairwell. When the landlord was taken to court, the court ruled that the termination was justified when the landlord's party demonstrated their case by opening a can inside the courtroom. The court concluded that it "had convinced itself that the disgusting smell of the fish brine far exceeded the degree that fellow-tenants in the building could be expected to tolerate".
kingmudsy  ·  1727 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    A fermentation process of at least six months gives the fish its characteristic strong smell and somewhat acidic taste. According to a Japanese study, a newly opened can of surströmming has one of the most putrid food smells in the world, even stronger than similarly fermented fish dishes such as the Korean hongeohoe or Japanese kusaya.

This sounds disgusting! Have you ever tried it? I'm just filled with morbid curiosity right now - Part of me wants to order a can just to see if it's as bad as the internet makes it sound

Kebabpizza actually sounds delicious, even if I'm laughing at the name a little bit :)

swedishbadgergirl  ·  1727 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I have never eaten it, I can't get over the smell. My family still get together to eat it once a year though, they claim it actually tastes fine.

And Kebabpizza is delicious .