"I don't like the way that went down because X. Next time I'm going to focus on Y because Z." Everyone fucks up. The trick is to visibly and demonstrably learn from your fuckups. Niels Bohr Hey, you're a consultant now, aren't you? Technically speaking? You need my consultant joke, which I told every time I met with a contractor or owner because I was young and they were resentful.An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field.
I believe that you don't have to learn from your own mistakes and it's perfectly fine to learn from someone else's. What matters though, is understanding that something went wrong. Accepting being wrong. Understanding what is wrong. That is w g at matters.
It's funny that rationally, I know it's obviously true, but since it doesn't jive with my perfectionism it doesn't feel true for me. (Which is also naive, I know.) Cognitive dissonance's a bitch. Loll'ed at the consultant joke. Still relevant.Everyone fucks up.