I haven’t read the whole thing, but I’m fairly certain the bible comments on gender transition about as much as it does heart surgery or the sin of taking Tylenol. All the old guys wore dresses, it doesn’t seem like this would have been on their radar when they wrote it.
I got community tagged with something I don't understand but seems to imply I'm outraged. Fine. Dude just seems to have a business built on not doing a thing. What is this man's business model if it's not MAKING FUCKING CAKE. Seems to be suing the queers. Don't sue everyone who wants delicious cake if you're a homophobe or just don't make cake for a living. Otherwise your business is moral outrage I'm personally not so much outraged as confused. Is your job baking or is it suing? You must pick one.
you're only allowed to care about one thing at a time and this example of religious overreach doesn't matter because it's gays and not whoever we're supposed to care about (little faggy atheists that are easier to relate to?) it's a cynic's arms race and the sooner we can all get to the point where we don't care about anything the sooner we can go to the grave in peace