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comment by Quatrarius
Quatrarius  ·  2115 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Breaking: entertainment industry promotes unhealthy views of minority group

frankly i regret starting this conversation with this article

i haven't watched a new movie in theaters in 7 years (deathly hallows pt. 2) and i couldn't give a shit about the goingson of the entertainment industry at large - this is just the only article i've seen in the big news sites i read (nyt, guardian, reuters, cbc) that talks about transgender issues in a way that isn't "such-and-such place fights over bathroom laws" or "look at these dumb college kids using weird neologisms"

i'm not sure what i expected, i guess, but i'm not into having this conversation in this way

tacocat  ·  2115 days ago  ·  link  ·  

All growth is painful and societal growth is the worst. I don't think you should regret the post. You'll never know if it affected one person positively but, even though it may have been personally uncomfortable or painful for you, you may have made the difference for someone on the fence. Avoiding discomfort of some kind is not the way to change the world. My point is not to get discouraged because that leads to apathy and resentment and bitterness.

Prompting discussion that may require you to self-examine is the way to influence the opinion of the ambivalent. Asking those questions and making a controversial statement rooted in that which you know to be true and righteously motivated is the way you change opinions. You're never going to reach the people committed to being firmly rooted assholes but that doesn't need to make you quit speaking up because you never know who's listening on the internet and you've approached this in a very mature way throughout your replies and I'd hate to lose your voice even if it's a voice spoken with tongue being bitten.

kleinbl00  ·  2115 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think it's a valuable discussion. But I also think it's one nobody wants to have.

Some of us have to and it sucks.