The dude probably isn't a saint, but center-right is a real good description for him.
Glad someone among the R's is willing to do it. It's a shame their primary system is so thoroughly borked that he'd get killed.
I doubt he expects anyone to go to jail, and honestly I question whether anyone else in our government does either. I mean, you never know, but I'd be beyond shocked if anyone higher than Flynn or Popadopolus does.
I think he's trying to set himself apart as a more moderate alternative. And why not? He knows he can't out-crazy Trump, and I think he's banking on the recent Virginia elections being reflective of something greater.
Haha, well, I think what you're describing was accurate for the last 20-30 years or so. Although Republicans' methods have been leading up to this, we're seeing enough to suggest that even they realize that things have gone too far. They were already getting hammered by the Tea Party a couple cycles ago, and I think Trump took the Republican leadership off guard as much as anyone. After the election, they didn't really know how to handle this guy: he was ostensibly on their "team," but it was hard to be sure how true that really was. They weren't going to rock the boat in case he turned out to be popular, but once his approval ratings tanked, I think they feel safer coming out as more moderate.
And who knows? They may actually be able to thread the needle: seem less crazy and more dignified than Trump, and still have an R after your name. That could be a path to success in a lot of red and purple parts of the country, especially if the Democrats manage to run someone forgettable.
I am an easily triggerable snowflake.
I am allowing thInga I cannot control make me angry.
And I am self righteous enough to somehow think that being the most angry makes me virtuous.
The analogy was referring to how I am allowing shit into my metaphorical lungs instead of metaphorical oxygen.
Gotcha. Well, I guess recognizing it's progress?
Honestly? I think he's expecting the pendulum to the left pretty quickly and is probably positioning himself in such a way to take advantage of it. Whether the RNC will have anything to do with him, I dunno. I'm no poli-sci kind of guy, but everyone I talk to seems to think both parties are falling apart with infighting and criticism abound so where that starts to leave people next year and in 2020 is really anyone's guess at the moment.