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comment by cgod
cgod  ·  2401 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 247th Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately" Thread

I'm not anti-disco but I have no idea if I'd like it nu.

am_Unition  ·  2312 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Let's find out.?

Listen to the first 2 minutes-ish of this if you ever feel like you might could stomach it. Fair warning: Once you get to the start of the bridge, @1:53, it's even weirder. Oh, aaaand the first 40 seconds might not be 100% enjoyable, due to repetition, but the following segments should be almost maybe interesting.

The artist, UniBe@t, classified this as "Future Funk", but the genre heavily overlaps with "Nu Disco".

So I imagine that you won't like it, but I'd like to know why. Too much phaser/flanger? Over-obvious pitch distortion? Too chopped up and/or robotic? Overproduced? Etc.

One of my goals is to play in the gap between sample work and original composition. But I want to maximize appeal, so I humbly submit my questions.

Even more unsolicited sidenote: It's increasingly difficult to find "Future Funk" that doesn't have animé and other Japanese cultural influences. The idea that something I enjoy connects me to U.S. weeaboo social circles is, uhhhh.. I dunno. It's whatever. I guess any microcosm of taste has some random cultural overlaps with other populations, and kinda chaotically drives trends. In this case, I think the common factor is basement-dwelling*.

*NOTE: the author, am_Unition, does not basement dwell.