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comment by blackbootz
blackbootz  ·  2544 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: September 27, 2017

I delivered a speech in my 100-level public speech class. I bombed.

I knew that I had an aversion to public speechmaking, but I didn't know the physiological extent. My heart starts jackhammering even when I raise my hand in a large class. Today I straight up blanked right at the start and I'm sure it was awful. The class was gracious about feedback but it was so humbling. Public speaking is a more recent fear (last five years) that I attribute to growing up more and realizing how many ways public performance can go wrong. I don't want to 1) bore people but I also don't want to 2) take up too much conversational space. And now I just cannot be relaxed while talking to groups larger than ten people. So nothing comes off naturally and I can't remember why what it is I'm talking about is interesting to begin with.

Any thoughts or advice? I'll definitely try more practicing.

lm  ·  2544 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Instead of focusing on big things that could go wrong, focus on small, concrete things you can do to make your presentation better. That way when you're speaking and you wonder, "are they getting it?" or "am I being dull" or whatever, you'll have something you can do to fix that problem.

I also spend a lot of time "rehearsing" various parts of lectures 'n whatnot in my head. It's not really rehearsing--I don't tend to go in order, and most of the stuff I think through I don't actually say. But, I think coming up with a handful of ways to cover a topic makes speaking easier.

Nerves never go away; even after lecturing for a while I still get nervous right before classtime. That's something that you just have to practice getting through, I think. Once I actually start talking I usually relax and things get better.

blackbootz  ·  2543 days ago  ·  link  ·  

What sort of lecturing do you do? How much does mastery of the subject help when delivering?

lm  ·  2543 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Variously: digital network design, calculus, C (beginner & advanced), discrete math, miscellaneous stuff-you-probably-should-know-as-a-person-who-programs-computers-sometimes.

Mastery helps because you can answer "why": why is something useful, why would you care to study something (sometimes those two have different answers!), why certain algorithms give the results they do. Anyone can learn, say, how to calculate a remainder; mastery helps you connect remainders to other related ideas (cycles, clocks, symmetries of geometric shapes, cryptography...).

Also, mastery helps you answer unanticipated questions and to come up with alternate explanations when your audience doesn't get what you're trying to say.

It doesn't help when you forget that you know something--it's easy to gloss over basic concepts that have ingrained themselves in your mind so much that you don't even notice they're there anymore.

This is not to say that I've mastered anything, or that 'mastery' is a final, well-defined state of existence...

goobster  ·  2541 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I've been a really good public speaker for a long time. It came pretty naturally to me. And it turns out that the same skills make me a good teacher. So one of the things I could always do when my marketing business was slow, was set up a couple of classes and teach people public speaking skills.

Really, the key thing to do is Bring Fewer Notes.

People like to write out what they are going to say, and then read off the cards. This is bad. Most people are not actors, and suck at reading lines. In addition, written English is much different than spoken English, and if you write something down, and then speak it, it is going to sound weird. To both you, and your audience.

The best thing to do is to give yourself bullet points you want to hit. The 3 or 4 points you want people to remember when they walk out of the room.

Take a single blank sheet of paper. Write the name of your talk at the top. Write the names of people/orgs you want to thank.

Write a two-sentence intro that you will practice, and repeat verbatim in front of the crowd.

Write your 3 or 4 key points in big sharpie, spaced evenly down the page, with many lines in between each of them. Leave two inches at the bottom of the page.

In a lighter pen, make notes of key phrases or ideas you want to hit in between each bullet point, to tie them together. So your page should look like this:



(A brief, 2 sentence description of what people are going to leave with today. Work on this phrasing. Write it carefully. Rewrite it. Remove jargon. Make it simple.) "Thank you to Dr. Smith, and the School of Herbology for the opportunity to speak to you all today. My work over the last two years has been focused on hybridizing oranges with grapes, to make an edible orange peel."

- pause -

Topic 1: Hybrids attempt to bring the good traits of two different things together, into a single, hybrid thing.

- Dr. Karlsen's research from Instituit de van Voors.

- Tangelos. Pluots.

- Topic 2: Problems with hybridization.

- Johnathan the capybara/penguin.

- Time.

- Monetization/Research funding

Topic 3: Cellular hybridization with CRISPR

- blah blah blah

- blah


(This 2-3 sentence ending should wrap up the three things you want people to remember from your talk, your name, and thank the people who invited you to speak.) "Thank you again to Dr. Smith, the school of Herbology, and to you all, for your attention. In closing, my name is Professor Blackbootz of Quirm, and I am enthusiastic about Orange/Grape hybridization; a win/win for the market, and for Herbology, and the underlying techniques will allow us to create new foods that defend against climate, pest, and other environmental problems. Thank you. I will now take any questions..."


This model works for a couple of reasons: You already KNOW what you are talking about. You talk about it every single day. Without notes. So writing ALL of your words/talk down on paper simply gives you several other things to worry about, than your message. Am I reading too fast? Did I pronounce that right? Woah... those words sound weird together. Wait... did I already read that line? Aren't I supposed to make eye contact? Oh crap... where was I?

The bullet points help you present a story with a beginning, middle, and end, without a lot of extra fluff and distraction. Hit the points. Stitch them together with a couple of sentences to move from one thought to the next one, down the page, until you get to the bottom.

Writing out the Intro helps alleviate the butterflies and nervousness that ALL of us get when we walk up to the microphone. You know this part by heart. You have repeated it in the mirror at home, and in your head, over and over, for a couple of weeks. You KNOW this. And it is WRITTEN RIGHT THERE, so if you clutch up, just read what you wrote down.

Presentation-wise, over time you will know how long to spend on each section of the talk, as well. So if you have a clock or watch, you can check to make sure you aren't going over, by simply getting to the middle of the page, and checking to see how much time you have left. "I'm half way down the page, and half way through my time. Perfect."

Finally, don't go in to detail! This is a presentation, not a lab. Give them the highlights. Then, at the end, give them time to ask questions. EVERYONE is better at answering questions about what they do, than they are at presentations. So keep the "presenting" part short, and the Q&A section longer.

This way, you also engage the crowd. They aren't just tuned out and not listening. They are actively participating, which makes YOU feel good, as the presenter.

I hope those suggestions help you out with your next presentation!!

(PS - I can also help make your PowerPoint presentation interesting, and not suck.)

veen  ·  2541 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I have a PowerPoint presentation tomorrow to my thesis supervisors. I start with those bullet points ("I'm gonna talk about X, Y and Z today") and then have one slide per sub-point. I prefer little to no text - the slides should only support or summarize what I have to say. Any Goobster PowerPoint Power Tips for me? :)

goobster  ·  2541 days ago  ·  link  ·  


Use no font smaller than 20 points, and stay with 30pt if you want people to actually read something. (Projectors and displays are hard enough to read, as is.)

Use "builds". Every word you put on the screen will be read by everyone in the room, faster than you can say it. Do not read the words. Hit the button, let the words display, count to 3 seconds, and then ADD to the words that are on the screen by speaking about the point shown on screen.


Reading what is on the screen is annoying to the audience, and makes them feel like you are treating them like children.


Give people a moment to read and digest your words. Then add something material to the idea. So sentences can be short, and even incomplete. Questions also work.

For example, the bullet point on screen says: Traffic heat maps provide one valuable data vector

Then you follow up with: "I also found it was important to map this data in conjunction with the size and number of floors of the buildings found at the "hottest" points in my map..."

click to show next graph/data plot

"Because a 20-story office building is obviously going to have heavier traffic than a 2-story one."


Most people would present this as a couple of sentences and a big graphic of a heat map. But then you have to leave the audience time to read all the text, grok the image, re-read the text, and then re-assess the meaning of the heat map in light of the text.

Yeah, my method can seem like you are spoon-feeding them, but there is a fine line here, and the end result is that you want them to take away 2 or 3 key things.

So give them something valuable first. Then INCREASE the value of that information with more detail, or surrounding data. That gets people to the "a-ha!" moment faster, than if you wait for them to figure it out themselves.

You can then refer to this a-ha moment in your conclusion, to remind them of this little discovery in your wrap up.

Good luck with your presentation!!

veen  ·  2540 days ago  ·  link  ·  

>has 18pt font on multiple slides...

Good point. I like your concept of builds - it's useful to approach presentation styles as UX design problems. I already do it sometimes but I don't think I am very good at pausing. Usually, I say something along the lines of "...and that leads me to...[click]...eh,...this next slide. [small pause]

A part of my degree was a long series of company visits. Usually, they'd ask us students to divide in smaller groups, work on a small case study and present the results after an hour of giving it some thought. While others were thinking of excuses not to present, I usually didn't mind the practice and I ended up refining the bullet-point-method along the way. In high school I was deathly afraid of giving presentations, but now I'm comfortable giving presentations to small and medium sized groups and sometimes get compliments for it.

What I don't know is how I can move on from here. How do I continue improving my presentation skills? What are some of the lessons you've learned more recently?

goobster  ·  2523 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Really, the sad thing is to think like Twitter.

People consume data in discrete chunks. This is true conceptually, biologically, and physically.

Blinking is actually us cutting up our experience into discrete chunks, so our brain can process and store all the data. (That's an incomplete description of blinking, but accurate enough for the point.)

So give them a fact, and a moment to process it. Stack another fact on top of that one. Give them a moment. Stack another one. Then stand back and have a general description for what you have built. Let them process that.

So place a brick, place a brick, place a brick, then stand back and say, "pyramid!"

Leave out the details.

Be general. Get the broad strokes right. Point them in the right direction, but don't give them GPS coordinates.

Then, stand back and let them ask questions. THAT's where you give them the detail.

People learn better when THEY drive the process of inquiry. So if you give them waypoints on a map, and then let them ask "Hey, how do we cross this river between points C and D?", two things happen:

1. You are no longer the "presenter". You are having a conversation, with another person, about a topic you know VERY well. This will make you more natural, less stressed, and more interesting, all while standing on that (normally) terrifying stage.

2. The person actually learns more, and respects you more, because you were able to provide the answer to the question that they couldn't work out on their own.

People try to present an excess of data, to prove their point, and all they do is bury the audience in confusing minutiae. Let them tease out the details with their questions. You can also use their questions as talking points, if they truly need further explanation, and the crowd is interested.

Ideally, if you have a 15-minute slot, give them a 5-minute presentation and then answer questions for 10 minutes.

You will have the highest rated talk of the day.