I don't understand why people hate twitter so much. I follow a handful of people who I find interesting who post some of the more interesting content I see on the internet. I guess if you followed shitty people who posted stupid offensive content, you might find twitter a pretty hateable place. I don't tweet. I only passively consume. If I did, I might find it a less pleasant place. The only times I have spoken out where to troll certain silly local republican media figures, and holy shit is it a good place to troll.
'scuse me, I'm hilarious Recent gems include the conclusion that the 'indie rock hit parade' ranges in spectrum from Neutral Milk Hotel (basic bitch level) to Modest Mouse (OG), with the addendum that Iron and Wine is "pure fuckboi;" a few true brain-teasers like "Is the verb for 'shooting lasers' 'pewping'?" and "Should I order pizza?;" plus social-media-inspired observations of life in the mid-2010s. But only read mine, don't read anybody else's.