Thanks much, my friend!
Getting married to a professional organizer is ... an experience. She has everything planned down to the last detail, and I'm more of a "let's get a groovy bunch of people together in a room with some good food and liquor and have a party" kinda guy.
But we are both enjoying the process, and looking forward to the results. (I've been married before. She hasn't. So she doesn't have any idea how fast the event will go by. I'm hoping the come-down afterwards isn't too bad...)
- "let's get a groovy bunch of people together in a room with some good food and liquor and have a party" kinda guy.
It does go by quickly! It was a roller coaster of a day for me. Mostly good. My wife was a ball of anxiety though and that SUCKED. But, when it was all done we went to the Ritz Carlton, got on the elevator and standing next to us was Michael Stipe. We figured that this was a good sign. Turns out that so far, so good.
As you know, take time to be present and enjoy the day and each other.
My sweetie can get caught up like your wife, and kinda skim across the surface of things, but I have found ways to anchor her, bring her down into some meaningful interaction, and then let her go chase shiny things again. Afterwards, she remembers the times that we connected on something, and is appreciative for it. It helps the whole event become more than just a blur of momentary connections, but a series of deep moments interspersed with fun craziness.
Hopefully the wedding will be the same!
My wife has a crazy ability to notice the imperfections in things. A crack here, there... It's an amazing quality for a dermatologist to have. Kinda annoying in a fiancée.