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comment by mk
mk  ·  4709 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: My math on the Republican Primary
I also think that it will be a close race. Obama won't have the passion that he garnered in 2008. However, Romney doesn't seem to be able to fire up the base.

IMO it will come down to the economy, which will probably give Obama a close win. It's beginning to look like a real recovery, and Romney's argument of "It should recovery faster" doesn't have a lot of sting to it. However, I'm not sure what other issue he could try to win on.

JakobVirgil  ·  4709 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Mitt has watered himself down so far he will only get the "I am not Obama" vote for sure and that will not be excited. I give Barry a 65% chance of a second term.
thenewgreen  ·  4708 days ago  ·  link  ·  
The I am not Obama vote will get the right and then the center is up for grabs. It's way too early to tell but I think it will be close. I agree that it has a lot to do with where the economy is at and how effective Obama will be at coloring Romney as a wealthy outsider and conversely how effective Romney will be at coloring Obama as an inept and naive leader. It really should be an interesting one though. Our first African American president vs. Our first potential mormon POTUS.

Will Mitt be able to convince the evangelicals that his version of jesus is legit?

JakobVirgil  ·  4708 days ago  ·  link  ·  
The 20 - 25% that really hate Obama would never vote democrat anyway (unless George Wallace rises from the dead.) courting them is misused energy for either party. the strategy of painting Barry as Inept is the strongest one but I am afraid the Republicans are married to the socialist-Muslim-Atheist-radical meme that really has no resonance outside of their echo chamber.

With this said I think Mitt is a good guy and would make a passable president. it just ain't going to happen.

thenewgreen  ·  4708 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I don't disagree. I think it's Obama's to lose. mk is right that it has a whole lot to do with how the economy is doing come election time. Remember how much that helped Obama get elected? When the shit hit the fan and McCain/Palin looked flustered, Obama stayed cool. The shift from national security to the economy didn't play in to McCains game plan. This really helped Obama. I wonder what, if any, last minute national crisis will occur this time? Whose hands will it play in to?