If you're going to start this whole SJW/Reactionary drama shit, then please don't stay at Hubski. The tagline here is "a thoughtful web", not "take sides and do battle".
I'm sorry you feel that I'm not thoughtful but I don't like being dismissed or disrespected. Aaron Swartz considered me quite the thoughtful person. You see, I am the Founder & Intellectual Property Representative of Anonymous Operation Blackout (and a dozen others). Remember SOPA? I did that. You're welcome. That's who I am. Let's get back to talking who you are. Would you like me to continue systematically dismantling your false accusation of thoughtlessness? I could run circles around you all day. Aaron said it best - I'm smarter than you and because I'm smarter than you, I'm better than you and you have to listen to me. TL;DR - Your artlessness has sounded your death knell.
What a great way of introducing yourself to the community - a copypasta-worthy boasting rant about your own intelligence. You might as well just start over.
You can moderate your experience here. If you find that someone is intentionally hyperbolic you can filter, hush or mute them. See here: I hope this helps your experience here. Also, I've been on Hubski for nearly 5 years and only recently had I heard the term SJW if that gives you a sense of the community here. You are right, it's not a place where we "choose sides and battle," it's a place where we have discussions. Cheers!
Your identity is irrelevant to the comments that you make. You alone are accountable for your words and actions, and be judged on each independently, not in relation to your previous achievements. Who the hell cares what you've achieved if all your comments are as condescending as this one? It just reeks of narcissistic bullshit and doesn't leave a good taste in anybody's mouth. No, you're not welcome. To be frank I don't give a shit what you've done if all you do is talk down to people assuming yourself to be some kind of internet deity. Mark Zuckerberg might have done a great deal to foster the growth of social networking, but do people really care for the hypocritical bullshit that comes out of his mouth? That's you. Now rinse your mouth and start over. Edit: Also, you'd be sorely mistaken if you feel respect is given because you've done something worthwhile. Every little bit of respect is earned, and all that sum can be easily destroyed in the flash of a second if you don't respect your audience. If you're here because of Reddit, just look at it - perfect example.
http://www.cnet.com/profiles/anonforecast/ Is this you, or are you just throwing out copypasta?
I think their point here is to start shit and troll the community.