1) You are following #newtohubski by default. I forgot about that. You're right. That's default content. Oopsie. You can unfollow it and it will likely go away.
2) I think you're following badged content by default, too.
In my defense, these are new changes. Apologies for the confusion.
Aha ok, That makes sense. Thanks for clearing it up. Here, have some gold....oh, right.
Hah. Ok. I'm just kidding. I like what I see so far. Over the past couple years I've tried to trim my subreddits because the atmosphere in a lot of them was a little off. Hubski looks like everything I wish Reddit was so I'll be sticking around. Right now I see it's running slowly so I'm hoping the team at hubski are able to improve that.
Nearly badged this, btw. Nothing gets my goat more than people thinking we cribbed badges.... well, maybe those that think syncretic created Hubski.
Ok, I still don't get it. If I click feed I see stuf I'm following but also stuff that's tagged, e.g., #uspolitics · #feelthebern · #sillyseason There's a post titled "Dear America, get your head out of your ass about Bernie Sanders" in the feed right now with those tags. I'm looking to just see my followed tags. I don't follow any of those. Come to thin of it I'm not following #newtohubski either. Are those Badged posts?
Is there a way to select my followed tags anywhere? I don't see a way to go to those easily.
So if you click this you'll see the content I see on Hubski. It should be different than what you see [(which is this)](https://hubski.com/feed?id=usuallymatt).
I can click on this and see your profile. from that, I can tell by clicking on "followed tags = 12" (under stats) that you're following #minecraft, #linux, #google, #android, #news, #internet, #humor, #askhubski, #technology, #movies, #philosophy and #comics.
I'm guessing that you're following badged content (it's a default choice, you can change it) by the fact that you see the bernie Sanders post. It was badged, as was one of its comments.
All the places you see #newtohubski you see that they have also been tagged #askhubski, which you are following.
Make sense?