What about a movie where space is an essential element, although not really a part of the narrative that we watch? I'm thinking, e.g., of Planet of the Apes (original version, as if I even need to specify). Space movie, or no?
I don't have a dog in this fight. I'm indifferent, but I was just curious as to what kb and everyone else thinks about what role space needs to play to make a movie "about" space. I suppose everyone has their own idea. PotA is reliant on space travel to set up the plot, but that's as far as it goes. Space leaves the picture in about five minutes, and from then on it isn't a theme of the movie, even though Heston believes he's on some far flung planet for the duration.
I would say Contact is far more of a space movie than PotA, as the mystery signal comes from space, and space itself is almost a character. Space represents a lot in Contact, whereas it's incidental in Apes, in my opinion.
Aye, I'm against picking either, just brought it up as a movie that could be interpreted as "spacey" but was primarily set on planet Earth.
I'm still hoping for a ball out of left field that I haven't seen or heard of before. Barring that, I may just watch a movie starring this guy:
This is a good point. Planet of the Apes is definitely a space movie in my book.
Ha, wow. The juxtaposition between you and kb's answer goes to show, we need a definition of space movie.
He described his version a bit above but I still don't like it. What about Dune?
Haven't seen it, though I don't think I could get it this week or next (remote location, not a lot of internet). So I actually shouldn't be throwing any weight around this discussion. But I love watching movies and then coming back to these.
Well he's right I guess. At least as far as Planet of the Apes is concerned. To say why would ruin the ending.