Fuck Comcast. (Note: I don't use them I use Cox or something.)
- Users who try to use anonymity, or cover themselves up on the internet, are usually doing things that aren’t so-to-speak legal. We have the right to terminate, fine, or suspend your account at anytime due to you violating the rules. Do you have any other questions? Thank you for contacting Comcast, have a great day.
That quote is important.
- We respect customer privacy and security and would only investigate the specifics of a customer’s account with a valid court order. And if we’re asked by a court to provide customer information, then we ask for a reasonable amount of time to notify the customer so they can decide if they would like to hire a lawyer and if they do, then we turn the case over to them and they proceed with the judge directly and we step away.
The bottom quote contradicts it, doesn't it? Yeah, it does. Fuck Comcast.
Alright so they're saying that if they'll respect a user's privacy and security. How did this happen?
- Comcast previously corroborated with the FBI by providing information on alleged Silk Road mastermind Ross Ulbricht’s internet usage. Ulbricht’s legal defense without a warrant. Ulbricht was most certainly never given a warning by Comcast or given time to contact a lawyer before he was arrested in a San Francisco library last October.
I swear these idiots aren't making any kind of sense, it actually sounds like they know they're major shit.
- Users who try to use anonymity, or cover themselves up on the internet, are usually doing things that aren’t so-to-speak legal.
Wow, assuming culpability without evidence, this is scary. This is the same as saying that if you don't like having your post opened, curtains removed and cameras installed in your bathroom, you must be doing something illegal. People might be using Tor for a variety of legal reasons, one of which might be exercising their right to privacy.
This has been called out by multiple sources as, basically, BS.
Press Release from Comcast VP of Internet Services
There are various other articles out there describing the incident, if anyone is so inclined to need more.
Is Comcast a shitty company? Yeah. Do I think they need to be jumped up and down on for something that didn't happen? No.
We will be required to add content of our lives to their databases ... because if you don't tell the government and corporations everything that you have been doing how can they tell you if you are doing anything wrong?
And there will be no million man march ever again. The destruction of our education system has guaranteed that we will have no more vibrant leaders. We create people that believe that the further you bend over for authority the better you must be.
We have all become Bildad blaming Job for God's dance and games.
- And there will be no million man march ever again. The destruction of our education system has guaranteed that we will have no more vibrant leaders. We create people that believe that the further you bend over for authority the better you must be.
We absolutely do not.
Great leaders aren't produced by an education system alone. Nothing alone makes them. It's the sum of a person's experience coupled with a vision for the future. It doesn't take anything special to be a great leader, just the willpower to work. Lincoln had, optimistically, a year's worth of early education.
Education is important, but to say we'll have no "vibrant leaders" is entirely wrong. Our education system hasn't been destroyed, either. It needs work. Common Core and No Child Left Behind need to be done away with, but it's not destroyed. There are millions of teachers who, I promise you, would love to actually teach.
I have a serious problem with posts like this. This is one of the main problems. Apathy. I can tell by your attitude that you believe the fight is lost and everything is destined to end. It's fatalistic, defeatist, and just sad. You want things to change? Stop talking as if all is lost, and start talking about how to fix things. I'm as pessimistic as it gets, and even I don't believe that all is lost for us.
If I understood everything correctly (from previous Comcast reports), Comcast has a monopoly on the internet market in many areas around the US.
They chose to charge high prices, want to introduce internet speed limits (this whole Netflix story), they have horrible customer service and they don't give a shit about your privacy.
And no one can do anything about it. How did that happen?
- And no one can do anything about it. How did that happen?
Money happened. From the time of the railroad barons, they've been slowly chugging along (pun intended) to get the laws as favorable towards corporations as possible, regardless of what damage it might cause their posterity.
Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine not exceeding $100,000,000 if a corporation, or, if any other person, $1,000,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding 10 years, or by both said punishments, in the discretion of the court."
Sherman Act 1890 §2
The scary open secret is that most regulatory laws are written by, or at least in consultation with, the industries that they ostensibly regulate. There's a reason that most ex-legislators in the US move from Congress to a lobbying firm. It's a quid pro quo.