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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  4554 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Victorinox squeezes 1TB of high-speed storage into a Swiss Army Knife
...see, and to me, that's what's uncool about it.

I remember when Victorinox came out with their first little bullshit jump drive knife. It had 16, 32, or 64MB of storage. It's an antique now, obviously... but that was only like six years ago. In other words, if you gave one to your tyke for his first day of kindergarten, his friends would be picking on him before he noticed girls.

Did you see the price on that sonofabitch, by the way? TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS:


mk  ·  4554 days ago  ·  link  ·  
That's very true. Those knives are supposed to be tough, and last. However, I bet the people that buy these are going to be the same ones that buy the knife with 50 tools.

My first thought was that this would be awful if the knife had a saw. Tree sap and sawdust in your USB. :/

thenewgreen  ·  4554 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I didn't see the price. Damn! I think it would only be uncool if it were the only option that the Swiss Army Knife came in. I like the idea of taking a traditional symbol of utility and adding a modern everyday functionality. Granted, you are right that this type of functionality has a shelf life shorter than Kardashian marriage, but still if it wasn't $2g's it would be cool imo.