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comment by elizabeth
elizabeth  ·  4069 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, what really ticks you off?

People being late or cancelling last minute. If it's a party, fine be fashionably late I don't mind. If it's only me and you going out for coffee, don't make me wait 35 minutes.

Also, when people put words into my mouth. Even if they're just teasing.

thenewgreen  ·  4069 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I am pathologically early. mk and I were just talking about this. My wife likes to be right on time and it is really annoying. She likes to show up to the gate as the plane is boarding. Me? I'd rather show up with at least a 1/2 hour to spare. I despise the feeling of not knowing whether we will make it or not.

The worst are weddings. Someone has put months of planning in to a single day and we stroll in just as the music is starting. -Not cool. As I mentioned in another comment here, when you are late, you are saying "my time is more valuable than yours," to whomever you've left waiting. It's bush league.

AshShields  ·  4068 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm the same; I'm always extremely early. My flatmates, for the most part, are those that will try to turn up on time, but don't really care if they're late, and I was starting to slack off on the whole early thing. Until some time recently (I don't actually remember what it was) I left at a time that would probably get me there on time instead of being early, and circumstances happened, and I ended up late. Felt horrible, and now I'm back to arriving at things really early. Hugely preferable.

thenewgreen  ·  4068 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I have a friend whose last name is Leat. Everyone jokes that it's an anagram for late because she is rarely on time and often quite late. Makes me wonder if her name contributed to this. When young, she no doubt heard people make this joke to her older siblings and parents and felt she had a legacy to live up to.

I think being late is a power trip.

nowaypablo  ·  4069 days ago  ·  link  ·  

what do you mean, putting words in your mouth?

elizabeth  ·  4068 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It's when somebody says things like "Well you said that Montreal is a perfect city without any corruption and great management". NO I DIDN'T SAY THAT! I never said anything like it! I said I love this city despite it's obvious flaws. I read the news and I'm not a moron. Don't put words in my mouth.

lappelduvide  ·  4063 days ago  ·  link  ·  

man, i hate that. it's aggravating. it's a sign that they think that they know what you're going to say. HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY KNOW?! don't assume things for me!