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comment by cliffelam

Well, sure, she doesn't want anyone surveilling Bill as he works his way through the gullible and visually impaired <30 year old semi-pro hooker population. That is not imagery we need on the internet.

Just saying.


humanodon  ·  3856 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Politicians act the way they do because there is incentive for them to do so. That's no surprise. For me, I'm at least glad that a prominent figure is at least bringing the topic up and bringing it up for the public to see. That it's Hillary Clinton, is not important to me.

Be fair. There are just as many gullible people in the over 30 population as well, regardless of their stance on sex workers.

cliffelam  ·  3856 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think certain kinds of gullability decrease as a population ages, if not in the dramatic way we'd like, certainly some. So, if you've paid attention to ONE presidential race you will believe certain things that you won't in your second or third.....


b_b  ·  3856 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I always find it laughable when any politician of any stripes on any issue uses the phrase "adult conversation", as this automatically implies that they are most comfortable having either a child conversation or (most often) no conversation at all, but rather a series of meaningless sound bites that may as well have been written by the guys who write beer or cosmetics commercials.

thenewgreen  ·  3856 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It's like when someone says, "I'll be honest with you....."

Does this mean you've been dishonest up until this point?

cliffelam  ·  3856 days ago  ·  link  ·  


cliffelam  ·  3856 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah, agreed. And most of the people who want to have an "adult conversation" mostly haven't lived in a true adult world in forever. See also Bill, Hilary, and BHO. Mitt had done but got so far up the food chain he had lost a lot of his ability to relate, but still head and shoulders above the permanent political class.