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Its a small and stupid thing to be proud of, but I have never purchased anything from Walmart in my life, although I have been inside a few for this or that reason. Of course, I have used products that others have bought at Walmart or Sam's Club; that is inescapable, since (clearly) most people don't share my aversion to them.
TheShadowFog · 4829 days ago · link ·
I have gotten a few things there...
:( Not because I had to.
lessismore · 4831 days ago · link ·
I've never actually ever taken a step into any of their stores.
thenewgreen · 4831 days ago · link ·
I hold the same distinction. The other week I was in a hurry though and needed to buy paper lawn bags to put my leaves in. The closest place, Walmart. Luckily, they were out and I went to Lowes instead. The distinction still stands. By the way, Walmart's a sad place.
TheShadowFog · 4829 days ago · link ·
> By the way, Walmart's a sad place.
IKR? You just get that sad feeling when you go in there.
thenewgreen · 4829 days ago · link ·
It's pretty horrible. Can you imagine working there? One thing that I see happening is that the high end grocery stores (whole foods etc) have raised the aesthetic bar in their industry. Even the economy grocers are attempting to "look" better. Where I'm from we have Meijer grocery stores. They have improved their aesthetic tremendously in the past 5 years. Same crappy food, just displayed more attractively.
In a pinch I might also go there. I feel about Walmart how I feel about meat. I eat meat really infrequently, but I'm not a vegetarian. The way I figure it, if everyone ate meat as little as me, there wouldn't be a factory farm problem. That way I can avoid the vegetarian ideology, but still not feel like I'm part of the problem. Walmart is the same, IMO. If you use it in an emergency only, then you're not part of the problem.