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hubskier for: 3638 days
I don't post too much on Hubski, mostly lurk, so I tossed a fair number of my comments from Reddit. Only ~700 words, hopefully sometime in the future I'll write something big so I get a more accurate analysis. You are intermittent: you have a hard time sticking with difficult tasks for a long period of time. You are unconcerned with art: you are less concerned with artistic or creative activities than most people who participated in our surveys. And you are self-conscious: you are sensitive about what others might be thinking about you. Your choices are driven by a desire for efficiency. You are relatively unconcerned with tradition: you care more about making your own path than following what others have done. You consider independence to guide a large part of what you do: you like to set your own goals to decide how to best achieve them. I feel like some parts are a bit off, but I think that's just because of the relatively low number of words as well as the nature of the text (mostly programming/linux-ey stuff). Something I found interesting, a lot of the comments here have this in common : "Your choices are driven by a desire for efficiency".You are a bit indirect, guarded and can be perceived as critical.
I'm a bit pumped for the technological singularity - the point where machines are just as intelligent as people. This would bring such a drastic change in the way we live.