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hubskier for: 4095 days
I completely agree about 2001:A Space Odyssey. the more you watch it the more you appreciate it. I will check out the suggested link to Kubrick. Thanks!
Thank you very much. I appreciate the encouragement.
And to return the gesture, Hubski is awesome. Well done.Also , your animation is great, keep it up.
thenewgreen, unfortunately, I don't think I can suggest any as there don't seem to be many at all. At least not on my out dated movie radar. I do think there are some movies that touch upon aspects of the process of transhumanism that are worth watching, for not only the transhumanist aspects but also because they are just incredibly constructed stories. 2001: A Space Odyssey tops my list. Have you watched it yet? And if reading is something you are willing to do, or audio book listening, I also would suggest reading anything by Isaac Asimov. Again, not officially transhumanist stuff, but still very interesting. Also, I find hidden gems in old radio episodes of the X-Minus One series. Again...not specifically transhumanist topics, but a really great sci-fi series to experience.
Thank you humanodon.
Look at me learning and applying interwebby tactics. Thank you. I appreciate your interest very much.(By the way, to quote stuff, you can put these things:around the text but without any spaces. Also, at the top right corner of the comment field is a tiny link that says "markup" with all kinds of other stuff you can do.)
The two episodes so far are pretty well put together in my opinion, so I'm interested to see how the videos develop further.
:D! I did it!
Thanks humanodon. (incredible name btw) /Just out of curiosity, why no faces?/ I exclude faces, as well as a lot of detail in general, for a number of reasons. Simplicity is golden. Consistency is important. And the faster the better. Designing faces for characters, along with appropriate facial expressions would just take too much time. With all this project required in the time frame set, I had to be honest with myself that my level of design skills could not maintain a consistent over all look beyond geometric shape. So Cadell and I both felt very comfortable keeping the same aesthetics as the "Are Chimps Cultural?" video and trusting that with each episode our skills would improve! As each episodes wraps up, I can feel this happening! Small amounts of confidence and skill are accumulating and bit by tiny bit the videos shall convey this! (I hope!)
"Really well done. The pacing of this second episode is very good." Thank you mk. I truly appreciate the kind words and accurate observation!
I feel quite confident saying that each episode makes steady progress with both visuals and content. It's the lovely RATCHET effect at work.
Keep watching!