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comment by someguyfromcanada
someguyfromcanada  ·  3371 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Heroin Heroine of Reddit

Here is a direct link to the movie Black Tar if anyone is interested.

Tracey is the woman with the backwards baseball cap on that can be seen dropping her pants in public to try to find a vein on her bruised legs about 3:30 in.

I have a good friend that was a secret addict for about 5 years. The only person that knew besides his dealer died of an overdose about a month after he introduced my buddy to the stuff. He spent about $250-300,000 on it in his last year and ended up speed balling.

He was a very high functioning person who luckily had a business which allowed him to spend that kind of money without resorting to crime. Some of his stories about it are fairly tragicomic. For example, he had to travel internationally for work so some of the things he did to get high on the road were pretty desperate. Or the time he had a party for about 500 people and I noticed he disappeared for about an hour. It turns out he went out back into a shed to shoot up and some of the caterers went out to have a smoke right after. He couldn't really open up the shed door and walk out without being super sketchy so he stayed in there and one after another caterer came out to smoke for about an hour so he just stayed in there. until the coast was clear.

As soon as someone found out (a friend that was living at his house, who told his father) he went into rehab and has now been clean about 5 years.