I actually didn't notice any big plot holes, could you point them out?
I agree about the acting, especially those two scientists. That was just abysmal.
Same here, the two scientists were just... UGH! I went into that seeing that it was (to me) the second Charlie Hunnam movie I had ever seen. The first being The Ledge, and yeah I'm sure he's done a lot of movies but I only knew him for Sons of Anarchy at the time.
What really stuck out to me was the lack of consistency with the portal (which is only frustrating since they laid out the facts so intensely during the plot). According to the scientists two things are true: 1) to destroy the portal they needed to blow up a nuke inside the portal (or else it would have no effect like their previous attempts), 2) to enter the portal you have to be a monster, which they know from the process of a monster leaving the other universe and entering ours.
Then at the end, the main character goes all the way through the portal to the other side and blows up his nuke. This somehow destroys the portal. He also somehow then makes it back through the portal to the other side without hiding in a monster.
And yea the scientists were bad...I love Charlie Day as well, but that was just bad casting or directing.