I missed this post the first time around so I can share some inside information on how lurkers who kinda-sorta wanna join in but don't know how or what. The lurkers who just want to lurk and have no interest in doing thing, that is absolutely fine. I get into lurk mode sometimes as well. 1. What do you enjoy? What do you read online, where do you find it, why do you like it, etc? What do you talk about in real life? This is something that everyone has but not everyone consciously thinks about. Post those things to hubski. I use an RSS feed that I've been adding to for about 5 years to find stuff to post. Some people have favorite sites they check in with. Go back through your bookmarks or saved posts from other sites. If it's interesting enough to bookmark, it's interesting enough for hubski. My rule of thumb is, if I get past the half way mark of an article then I post it to hubski. Because if it entertained and enticed and fueled my curiosity enough by then, chances are it will fuel others. 2. Stop thinking that the people who do post are all so brilliant or "regulars at the bar." Sometime's I type something and I feel like a moron. But people either correct me or humor me or were thinking the same thing. That's how discussions get made. If we only posted the things we were brilliant about, there wouldn't be much discussion. As for the bar, hubski is like a bar. But we're pretty damn friendly and open-minded and pretty much want everyone to be here. Unless you're that loud drunk guy breaking glasses, we would love to hear what you think. Remember, we were lurkers at some point too. Chances are, if you are nervous about saying something, that self-awareness will make your comments that much stronger and more interesting for everyone to read. Whatever you think while reading another persons post or comments, type that shit out and post it for us to see. It probably isn't as stupid as you may think and chances are at least one other person on hubski was thinking the exact same thing. 3. Start small. Even though some comments are a wall of text, we do need a bit of a healthy balance between the uber long and short and sweet. I'll write the wall, you can summarize and say it more succinctly. Deal? meeting time, to be continued
Hey this comment was super useful for me! I looked up and learned how to use RSS feeds, and have started to set one up for myself. Thanks for the advice!