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comment by onehunna
onehunna  ·  4090 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Moral Qualms with Ignoring/Muting Hubski Users.

    As much as it angered me, shocked me, and still makes my brain flip every time I think about it, there are real people out there that think like that. And those people are sitting across the table from me thinking "I can't believe there are people who think like that!"

I just want to underline how true this is. I've learned (and it definitely takes an effort) to just accept that everyone has a different set of beliefs, everyone is raised differently, and everyone thinks differently. This may not be the case in science, but 'truth' is a relative term. Different people are going to accept different things as fact and that's just the way the world is. Sometimes, with those things that run deep with people (religion, money, politics), it's useless to try and argue about it. It's like being pissed off at a frog for being green. So I just don't do it any more. I don't get upset, or frustrated, or anything. Everyone wants to believe that they're right, but not everyone is willing to accept that they may be wrong. All you can do is try to understand where they are coming from.