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comment by pseydtonne
pseydtonne  ·  4090 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Moral Qualms with Ignoring/Muting Hubski Users.

In contrast, I have seen posts that just made my blood boil. I have set one person to ignore and came close to ignoring another.

Note that I chose to ignore instead of mute. It puts a slash through the person's name, a calm equivalent of a red flag. This reminds me that said person is prone to tactics that anger me, so I stop myself well before I reply.

Then again this same person has contributed nicely to (non-political) topics. Thus I don't want to mute said person, unable to get the good with the bad. One time that person and I agreed on a topic in ways that dovetailed nicely with the conversation. Thus I was glad to have the mark and the content.