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comment by notseamus
notseamus  ·  4537 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The immediate future of architecture and 3d printing
That's all well and good, but new buildings need to have this designed in from the outset. If you can have a passiv haus in Sweden it will work anywhere.

Retrofitting these buildings is really important though. We can't just have loads of new housing stock overnight. My flat's in an old (1800 and something) building and it's pretty leaky wrt heating and there's no insulation, just thick stone walls. Even houses built in the 80's have no insulation, or minimal 50mm rockwool where now 250mm is recommended and the performance is higher.

The way buildings are built wrt to environment and landscape is important too to make them more sustainable.

mk  ·  4536 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Personally, I don't see how people can let it go. We bought a very old house, and one of the first things I did was to insulate the heck out of any place I could. It is such an easy cost savings.

We have an old stone wall basement. There was no insulation on top of these walls on which the house sat. Right there, around the whole house, there was only wood and siding between the inside and the outside. I stuffed insulation all around, and the basement is toasty now. the house went 100 years without that simple improvement.