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comment by squeebies
squeebies  ·  4257 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Wayfarers Player's Reference Book Review by Anthony Holtberg

Hi MK, I just read the review given about Wayfarers and it sounds great. It brings back many memories of roleplaying I did in the late 80s and early 90s. I think if I was still playing it would have been right up my ally.

After playing many RPGs, mostly AD&D 2nd Ed, I settled on playing a game called Palladium with 3 friends. Our GM loosely used the rules and we played by creating a story between the GM and the players. The main idea was we were people and really didn't want to get into fights with monsters lager than us, especially in large numbers. Fights were avoided at all costs or planned to guarantee victory. Puzzling plots and rhymes and riddles were the things we dwelt on. Dice roles were arbitrarily made by the GM, sometimes bypassed for ingenuity, sometimes results ignored as it didn't fit the plot.

The long and short of it is I reminisce about the campaign I played with my GM, which was long weekends of play that passed quickly as the story unfolded. My character got to level 5 in a year. It went for 3 years, we roleplayed hard to finish the story before I moved away from Tasmania. I finished at level 12 and I ended up playing 2 characters as one person moved away but th character was integral to the plot.

Anyway I'm rambling, just showing how much I enjoyed what we termed as 'real role playing', not dungeon bashing unrealistic dice rolling crap.

2 points. First, I love the multiple d20 system, seems a great way round the hit mechanics etc. Second, love the combat being seriously deadly, that is brilliant to me.

Well done, an impressive sounding game, if I still roleplayed I would but your books today.

mk  ·  4256 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thanks. If you'd like, PM me, and I'll send you the PDFs.

That goes for anyone here, actually.

squeebies  ·  4257 days ago  ·  link  ·  

*buy your books ;)