Do not worry citizen. We are here to protect you from the things you fear. We would never hurt you, or violate your rights. We will borrow thousands of dollars in your name and purchase armored vehicles to patrol your streets in. We will keep you safe.
You are no longer free to travel within your city. It is not safe. We will make it safe. We will hurt those who you fear.
We will aim guns at you to verify that you are on the side of justice. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Let us in your house. We are you. We are your government of the people, and for the people. We fight wars and shed blood in your name to keep you safe.
We will fight wars against you. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. Stay indoors. We are here to keep you safe. Do not worry. That is our work. Celebrate our strength. Do not think. If you are safe, you will be happy. We will keep you safe.