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comment by swearitwasntme
swearitwasntme  ·  4043 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Oak Ridge Lab builds world's fastest computer, still can't divide by zero

I haven't seen any public documentation of what kind of nuclear simulations are being run on here. Maybe that's intentional. In any case, I get the impression as a grad student in high performance computing that a lot of the work these systems churn through boils down to solving large differential equations over long time scales and fine granularity. This could apply to any physical system - it's how they simulate the weather, molecular dynamics, earthquakes and so on. With respect to the nuclear stockpile, they're probably looking at things like material wear and decay scenarios.

Maybe the CV of this guy or someone like him would have more details: http://hpc4energy.org/hpc-road-map/specialists/tom-arsenlis-.../