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comment by hootsbox
hootsbox  ·  4043 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Who Are the Palestinians Really?

If the snake (in this case the surrounding five Arab entities who also defied the UN armistice) continues to strike at you, move it a safe distance away where it cannot easily continue to strike at you. This is indeed the case. I don't agree with all settlements, but some yes. For personal security (and the right to exist which is denied by almost all Muslim countries in keeping with the Qur'an's teaching (which it does and Salman Rushdie was targeted for exposing to the world the remaining verses which call for Muslims to conquer the world and bring everyone under the Muslim rule). If you want a good book to read, try "Unveiling Islam" by the Caner brothers. It is a true, but yet compassionate, look at the Islamic religion written from the perspective of those who actually practiced it.