Can't believe this hasn't been posted to Hubski yet! Has anyone seen this?
Any similar data on other countries around the world? Also, there is obviously not a direct correlation between amount of work and pay, it's between perceived value and pay. So the CEO doesn't work 380x harder than the average employee, but he is perceived as 380x more valuable to the company he runs. The eerie background music kind of threw off the whole video for me.
Yes, I saw this some time back. It's amazing how much inequality there is. I'm not going to hate on the wealthy for how much wealth and power they have, hell for all I know they earned (or inherited it), and rightfully so! However, there comes a time when we should ask whether or not this model is sustainable. I don't think it is, in the long run, and it would be interesting to see what will happen to all this wealth in the next few years. Will it be reinvested? Will we see more jobs as a result? More regulation? Perhaps nothing and it will remain in the hands of those few?