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comment by JTHipster
JTHipster  ·  4209 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Best movie villain ever?

My personal taste? M. Bison in the original Street Fighter movie. He captured what Bison would be like in a world where that movie was real; he was overly dramatic, his plans were complicated, and he basically viewed every hero as an ant. And for him, it was a Tuesday.

If I had to pick a quality villain, one who is serious as an opponent, well that's harder. Darth Vader springs to mind because of course, but as much as I love Star Wars, Vader was always a better antagonist than a villain.

Its really going to have to go to, of al people, the Green Goblin from the first spiderman. His costume sucked but as a villain he was perfect. Insane but not too insane, and more importantly, he hated Spiderman and was Spiderman's primary nemesis in the movie. Also William Da...dafoe....da...whatever.