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comment by akbryant54
akbryant54  ·  4752 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A note of appreciation from the rich
I think it's pretty clear the author of the text disagrees with the inequities of the global capitalist order, but it's not really meant to be a careful structural analysis or anything, it's just supposed to be a powerful rhetorical tool to raise class consciousness and motivate the reader to try to change things. Although I may be ascribing my own political beliefs, I'm pretty sure the text was written by some anonymous anarchist several years ago. Can't find a source anywhere.

Going back to your original comment, what I was trying to say was that the rich/poor divide isn't nearly as arbitrary as racial/religious divides. The rich/poor divide is increasingly important to be conscious of, and it's perhaps even more important to be conscious of the stratification that keeps people poor, and all the ways that robs a large chuck of humanity of its potential, which is what the piece is really about.