You'll be missed man. I used to hate Reddit too, but I've really started taking a liking to it. Spend some time on r/atheism - they have a lot of thought-provoking discussions there.
Would you like to have consensual sexual relations with me after forming a meaningful relationship?
So, is there an atheism yet? Because if there isn't, I am going to make it and prevent it from turning into a shithole
just checked. There already is people talking about it and it is already super brave.
well, I guess it can't be ratheists anymore, huh?
" I always enjoyed your timely puns and reaction gifs ;)" [+howeverthisworks] #ShitHubskiSays
I could ask over on SRS IRC if anyone will be interested, but hubski isn't big enough to suffer the cultural malaise that Reddit does, I think. SRS is able to thrive because there's a lot of material to work with, both because there's a lot of posts, and a lot of those posts are terrible due to Reddit culture. Of course, I literally just joined to post this, so disregard if I'm wrong. EDIT: Just read a few posts on Hubski. Maybe an SHS could be possible :V
I wish I had more than but one weird little circle-dot thing to give you, le good sir.
I concur with this statement. That place completely revolutionized my perception of life.