But violence does. Mya Guarnieri, on the editorial imaginary of Israel-Palestine book publishing. Friday, in Souciant.
Treating the issue as what it is, an Israel vs non-Jews, distresses quite a lot of people, who would rather allow the oppression of one race so another can feel comfortably politically untouchable (at least in the United States). The acts committed against non-Jews in Israel are atrocious and dehumanizing, but they persist because of the backing of the US both financially and militarily. The aid will keep coming as long as Morris Amitay's quote "It’s almost politically suicidal ... for a member of Congress who wants to seek reelection to take any stand that might be interpreted as anti-policy of the conservative Israeli government."
holds true. It is the responsibility of American Jews and Israeli citizens to be active and vocal about the kind of government a Jewish state should have- one that values life as highly as the religion it claims to be protecting. American Non-Jews (of which I am one) are bigots, anti-semites and Nazis if we criticize Israel openly, and I speak from experience on that.